Thursday, February 17

Chicken Pox

Dear to all my followers.. you guys must have known rite? the Indian boy who disturbed me last monday.
He is absent for two days now. My English teacher said that His whole family is infected with Chicken-pox.
And I'm like YEAH! praise the lord! because he didn't come to school... but not about the chicken-pox thing.

Then i was like.. hmmm.. deserves him right for his attitude on monday. Then.. i'm all like... maybe i can curse someone when i'm really angry with them.(Muhahahahahha!!!)Lol..I have an amazing imagination.

well.. that's all. see you later my dear Stalkers.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

hey, dont be so mean.. u should visit him or do whatever else that is more kind than 'yeay' on it.
*english hancur*

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